What is a stamp card campaign?
This is one of the most commonly deployed loyalty strategy by many businesses. You determine how many stamps users need to collect to earn their reward, and what the reward will be when they completed the card.
Why having a stamp card campaign is important?
Increase engagement, grow customer loyalty, and drive sales by rewarding repeat customers.
How to start a stamp card campaign?
For new merchant, simply click on “Start Now” and follow through the 4 steps. Most merchant signed up and launched their first stamp card campaign within 7 minutes.
or login to your Dashboard > Campaign Tools > Stamp Card
- Your 8th haircut (worth $20.00) is free
- Get a $10 store voucher with 10 stamps
- Collect 5 stamps to redeem a $20 cash voucher
- Earn 1 stamp for every haricut
- Get 1 stamp for every $30 spend
- Get 1 stamp for every set dinner purchase